雀巢可可計畫(Nestlé Cocoa Plan)結合雨林聯盟(Rainforest Alliance)認證,讓我們能夠採取措施解決這些社會和環境問題,建立負責任的可可供應鏈。我們承諾到 2025 年前,我們所採購的可可能夠100% 來自雀巢可可計畫。
我們的工作包含 3 個主軸:
更有效率的農耕: 為農民提供培訓和資源,以提高作物的收成,增加收入,進而改善他們的生計。 -
更美好的生活: 解決童工問題,賦權女性並推廣教育,幫助社區茁壯成長。 -
更優質的可可: 加強供應鏈的溯源性和避免砍伐森林。
我們在雀巢可可計畫的基礎上實施基本生活收入加速計畫(Living Income Accelerator Program),該計畫旨在協助可可農戶因應他們面臨的許多問題,並支持農民轉型至更永續的可可種植方式。收入加速計畫將直接提供農戶現金獎勵,鼓勵他們入學就讀、採取永續農耕實務、混農林業和拓展收入多樣化。
我們自 2020 年起持續發布森林砍伐因應年度報告(pdf, 10.3Mb)。
我們的森林砍伐因應年度報告是我們對可可和森林倡議(Cocoa & Forests Initiative)的承諾之一。
2021 年 6 月我們發表森林積極(Forest Positive)策略,以進一步終結我們的供應鏈潛在的砍伐森林問題。森林積極代表我們不僅要管理供應鏈砍伐森林的風險,還要對我們採購網絡中更廣泛的層面發揮正面影響。
雀巢團隊直接管理某些面向,包括監督遮蔭苗圃的培育、合作社的性別培訓,和影片培訓的進展。我們也嘗試一些可讓我們的供應商擴大推行的新想法。我們的目標是與合作社建立長期合作關係,其中一些已與我們合作超過 8 年。
作為我們的淨零排放地圖(Net Zero Roadmap)和收入加速計畫的一部分,我們鼓勵農民種植更多的遮蔭樹木,以保護他們的作物不受高溫和過量降雨的危害。
Child labor risks are a complex and challenging issue in our cocoa supply chain, and is affected by many factors, including poverty, demographics, education, infrastructure and local culture. We work with supply chain partners and local communities in West Africa to address the risk of child labor.
Since 2012, a key element in our work has been our Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS), which enables us to identify children at risk, raise awareness and provide remediation.
Our remediation work has helped children identified as being involved in hazardous work to stop performing those tasks at the first follow up visit. With poverty being a cause of child labor risks, supporting the livelihoods of cocoa-farming communities is also an important part of our strategy.
Further insights into the successes and challenges of running CLMRS in Côte d’Ivoire can be found in our Tackling Child Labor report and our Creating Shared Value and Sustainability report 2021.
Many farmers face extreme challenges to secure a living income for themselves and their families. This can drive them to make choices that are not sustainable, such as cutting down trees to access more land to grow more cocoa.
That is why we have launched the Income Accelerator Program. Using financial incentives, we will encourage behavior change that will deliver sustainable economic growth for cocoa-farming families.
Incentivized actions include applying good agricultural practices, introducing additional income streams, keeping children in school and planting shade trees.
Many individuals, communities and villages in cocoa-growing areas find it difficult to save money. We are supporting efforts to help them through a community approach.
The Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) scheme openly ensures that everyone can see how much money is paid into a secure box and how much is going out if someone needs assistance. At the end of each annual cycle, accumulated savings are distributed back to members with interest.
This demonstrates that communities can save and provide support to individuals when needed, creating trust and bringing the community together. It also enables people to save for bigger purchases or to start their own businesses. Once trained, the communities can run the funds themselves, enabling the whole village to become more resilient.
Jean Marie Koffi Kouadio began working on his father’s farm in 2013, taking it over after his father’s death three years later. In 2015, he was invited to join the Nestlé Elite Farmer program.
The training provided has allowed him to improve how he manages his farm and business skills through:
- Planning and managing cash flow, margins, loans, savings, diversification and household management.
- Farm rejuvenation by increasing the variety of cocoa grown and diversifying.
- Becoming a lead farmer and sharing his agripreneurial mindset and learning with fellow farmers.
- Participating in several international conferences to share his experiences.
這也是我們在 2020 年 4 月加入兒童學習和教育機構聯盟的原因。我們正透過這個組織支持象牙海岸偏鄉地區優質教育的發展。該聯盟由雅各布基金會(Jacobs Foundation)推動,雀巢與雅各布基金會合作推出年輕人培訓計畫,作為可可社區教育轉型計畫的內容之一。